søndag, november 04, 2007


So Norway´s top 50 dj´s have been selected by the public, or rather clubbers and such.

The Top 50 Djs Poll was hosted by the free paper Natt&Dag and now the verdict is out.

Norway´s best dj is G-HA – and too bloody right as well! Respect!

I made the 32 spot. And i´m just surprised that i even made the list ... Thax to all my friends who voted!

The best bit of the list is how they describe each dj`s style.
I fell to the ground and just rolled around laughing when i read the description on my style of music. I could never come up with this myself – but i promise you: i will use this when i promote myself. It´s genius and totally on the spot, if you ask me ...

32. Dj Deadswan
Style: «DIY-aesthetics, neon colours, fetish, arpeggio-synth and punk bass, callously vocals about cynical sexuality, gender bending, drugs and alienation.»

I rest my case punters ...!

3 kommentarer:

Drix sa...

Hehe, perfekt beskrivelse. Grattis med listeplassen! Vel fortjent!

b eLeCtRo sa...

grattis sjompis. Well earned.. og beskrivelsen??? kunne knapt vært bedre haha ;)

Anonym sa...

Who's GiiHA?
I only know about ONE good DJ in Norway and her name is Deathswan.