mandag, mai 01, 2006

Snuten rules! Ok!

The Band Snuten is all the rage at the moment. Totally mayhem and jammed doors at the showcase last night... missed them, byt i`ll get my chance again soon.
Snuten is putting the last touches on their third album these days. Something to look forward to, primis!
In their own humble words Snuten is:
Electro/punk/power ballad-act Snuten is the most intense group to come out of Oslo, Norway EVER! Great on wax, simply unbelievable on stage. Male Power! Makes electroclash look like a stupid photo shoot. Makes punk bands look like old people waiting for their asses to get washed. Makes Barbara Streisand look like Celine Dion. Makes cancer look like a bellyache. We could go on.

Anyways; i`ve heard one of the tunes from the album «We Never Learn». «Easy» is a personal observation of the gayscene, seen through the eyes of vocalist Nils. It`s spot on, hilarious, funky, addictive and pure Snuten!
However, you will have to wait for the album dear punters.
«We Never Learn» is due may 13th. On the same date the release a brand new 12", «Entourage», complete with a bunch of remixes from Li`l Wolf & Chris Lynch of Norway, Trulz & Robin and Olav Brekke & Sideshow Jögge.

A video has also been made for the track «Easy» i was told recently. This will be so so so fun!

While we are waiting for «We Never Learn»
Head on over to their website and download the kool Rollerboy
That track should make the wait more comfortable...

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...


Jeg er helt enig; Snuten ruler;. Sinnsykt deilige de gutta paa byen; som tar litt bedre vare på seg selv enn det disse "søppelgutta", Da tenker jeg ikke på den bola Snuten nær høytaleren ca 1:90 høy; og ikke bare høy i lengden; men en stor forbrukker av GHB.

Blir jo selvfølgelig forelsket; digg følelse i deiligsnuten for meg; jeg har en lykkestjerne ett eller annet sted som gjør at de VIRKELIG attraktive guttene er komis (deseverre gift; så ikke rompis).

Men de er så søte; snille; høflige og hyggelige at man må jo bare forelske seg.

Nb. Jeg er Rocka men ikke FUCKA (faen heller?!?)
Denne var ment til deg Marius!

casper ... alltid din.