tirsdag, desember 19, 2006

... all i want for x-mas is ...

A new boyfriend. A brand new boyfriend ...
Well, do i really? Nah!
Well i will not rule it out completely though ... i mean, you know...
First off there are some basic rules:

1. He has to have great taste in music - or none at all. I`d rather he just sit and listen to what I wanna play.
2. He should be firm - meaning; if i`m out of it at some afterparty he will call me up and demand that i come home «right now! you here?» ... «um, right, yeah ... i`ll be there any minute...»
3. Home, where is that? Well, i have my home - and he has our home. Selfish? Nah, my cat lives in my home, meaning it`s his home. And besides, i have all my records and equipment in my home, sweet home ...
4. He does not, under any circumstances, suggest we go somewhere tropical for our holiday. He can can go, if he want`s to, alone!
5. He will never, ever, try to merge our friends into one big happy family - it will never work. believe me i know!
6. The rest of the rules ...? Well i will make them up as we go along. Trust me. Ok? No? Oh well ...

I can always grow my own!

(Click for bigger view)

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